Inspiring Strength in Children with Limb Loss
Progress in pediatric prosthetics is revolutionizing the lives of young amputees.

Endurance and Strength With a Prosthetic or Orthotic
It is crucial to have the ability to move, lift, and carry out your daily activities effectively and comfortably

Tips for Parents of Pediatric Orthotic Patients
Being a parent of an orthotic patient can be stressful at times. Feel at ease at Integrity!

Scoliosis and Adam's Forward Bending Test
How to test for scoliosis by performing Adam's Forward Bending Test

Are You Experiencing Prosthetic Pain?
Prosthetics shouldn't hurt!

Managing Diabetic Complications
The importance of social support, prosthetic technology to those facing limb loss, and proper foot care.

Stepping Into Comfort: 6 Conditions Orthotics Can Treat
We'll explore six common conditions that orthotics can treat, offering relief and support to those in need.

7 Tips in Choosing the Right Shoe for You
The right shoe can provide you with comfort, support, and style all at the same time. But how exactly do you choose the right shoe for you?

4 Benefits of Custom Orthotics Beyond Foot Pain
4 Benefits of Custom Orthotics Beyond Foot Pain